Fresh n’ cool: The PepperMint Uniform

Fresh n’ cool: The PepperMint Uniform

While women tend to spend hours shopping stores, the internet, and the backs of their closets to find the perfect outfit for every occasion, men tend to have a go-to uniform that’s tried and true. And that uniform doesn’t stop at clothes. Guys are known for their loyalty to their favorite products, from shoes to hair styling products to breath fresheners. So on that note, let us introduce to you, the VerMints PepperMint uniform.

The PepperMint uniform is stupidly cool and classic. And it all starts with a good pair of jeans. Jeans you can work on your car in and then take your lady out for a drink. They might be blue, black, or grey, the important thing is fit. The perfect PepperMint denim walks that fine line between skinny and straight leg — not too loose, not too tight (think  Levi's 511). Don’t forget that leather belt with the clunky metal buckle.

If you identify with the PepperMint uniform you’re bound to have closet full of neatly hung cotton t-shirts in varying shades of grey, black, and white. You won’t find any tie dye here.

The PepperMint Uniform isn’t complete without a badass jacket to throw on over that t-shirt. Channel James Dean with a red bomber or John Travolta (circa Grease Lightning) with a leather moto.

The PepperMint uniform is rounded out with a rad pair of shades. Depending on your face shape, you opt for Aviators or Wayfarers. Not sure what suits you best? GQ breaks it down perfectly in this Aviators vs. Wayfarers style guide.


Comfort is crucial, but not at the expense of fashion. The PepperMint-loving man can be caught in casual sneakers like Chuck Taylors, or black leather boots. When you want to step it up, a slick pair of loafers will do.

You like your ink like you like your mints: traditional. Sailor Jerry-inspired designs are your favorite.

You’re not one for fancy products — except when it comes to your hair. Your pompadour fade is a modern tribute to a young Elvis Presley. To achieve this look you rely solely on a quality pomade and a comb. No brush no fuss.


Your uniform wouldn’t be complete without a tin of fresh n’ cool organic PepperMint VerMints. Always prepared for a close chat or a French kiss, you never leave home without ‘em.



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