
Kiss N’ Tell Contest For FREE VerMints

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Kisses can be a little awkward and a lot hilarious. Chances are you’ve shared a particularly uncomfortable smooch and spent years trying to forget it ever happened. Well friends, it’s time to dig deep, because those are the kisses we’re craving!

From stuck braces and bitten tongues to lips that completely missed the target, we’re dying to hear the story of your most awkward kiss. And for these sweet gems of brutal honesty, we’re giving away FREE VerMints – which by the way, are an essential ingredient for fantastic kisses (no fooling!).


Share the details of your lippy horror story on Facebook and tag #WishIHadVerMints. One winner per week will receive a VerMints Variety Pack – all 6 flavors! – of organic, guilt-free mints.

On November 15 th, we’ll award a grand prize of an entire year’s worth of VerMints to the person with the most gut-wrenchingly unromantic tale. (Good kissing karma forever!)

So sign in, share, and follow, because things are about to get juicy!

Animated gif courtesy of: